Friday, September 4, 2009

Learning How To Walk

Allison is on her way to learning how to walk! She is pulling up on everything she can get her hands on (furniture, toys, and her parents just to name a few). Last weekend, we were lucky enough to borrow a wagon from Allie's cousin, E, to give her a new toy to pull up on and practice walking with. It is very sturdy and the wheels have some resistance (and click) so she doesn't slip forward when she's "walking". She absolutely loves it! It's great fun to sit in, fun to walk with, fun to load up with toys, and fun to push your cousin in. It shouldn't be long before Kevin has a running buddy!

Allison Walking With the Wagon Video

Here she is playing the game that we call "No, You!" Allie points at us and we point back and say, "No, you!" This is a lot more fun than it sounds! It is even more fun when played while sitting inside the wagon.

And here's a sweet picture of Allie pushing her 15 month old cousin around the living room in the wagon. They will be friends for life!