Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Now I Know My ABCs

It looks like we have quite a studious baby on our hands!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

100 Days!

In the kindergarten world, 100 days is a big deal. We have a whole day of fun activities and counting to celebrate the occasion. While I was contemplating how we would celebrate this big day in our classroom, I started thinking about Allison.

After some calculating and calendar counting, I have figured out that Allison is 100 days old today. I can't believe it's been that long already. Sometimes feels like she was just born and other times it feels like she's been here forever. I can hardly remember what life was like before she was a part of it.

Allison has grown and changed so much in her 100 days. She is no longer a lump of a baby. She's so strong and spends most of her days laughing (kind of), cooing, jumping, and flirting with everyone she can make eye contact with whenever we go in public. She's such a happy baby and you can't help but smile at her. In 100 days, she has become the center of my world, my biggest joy, and the part of my life that I am most proud of.

These have been, without a doubt, the best 100 days of my life.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

3-month pictures

We took Allison to Portrait Innovations today to get 3-month pictures taken. She was in a great mood and the pictures are absolutely beautiful. Here are a couple of our favorites!

All she wanted...

We swaddled Allie up in her new fleece swaddler, put her to bed, and tried to get her to sleep for half an hour. She wouldn't stop crying, so I brought her out into the living room for a change of scenery. She still wouldn't stop crying. I finally buckled and released her from the confines of the swaddle blanket. Immediately, this is what we got:

All she wanted was to wiggle and coo a little bit more before she went to sleep. We reswaddled her and she was fast asleep 20 minutes later!