Thursday, April 30, 2009

Babytalk and Good Morning America Cover Contest

I am entering Allison in the Babytalk and Good Morning America Cover Contest. I don't know if she has a chance, but I think she's pretty darn adorable and I would buy a magazine with her on the cover. Here's the picture I'll be submitting:

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Bath Time Fun!

Allie got bath toys for the first time on Saturday and she went crazy with them!

Craft Projects

I got a sewing machine for Christmas and it has really inspired me. I have been a craftin' fool! Here are a couple of the projects that I've done lately. (Click pictures for larger images)

plain white IKEA garbage can turned into a decorated diaper pail that matches the name letters that are hanging on Allison's wall (used Sharpie markers and a projector to project the pattern):

fabric baby blocks (I just got a whole bunch more fabric and am making lots of different combinations):

a DRESS! for Allison (my mom came over and really, really guided me through this step by painful step):

Tuesday, April 14, 2009