Tuesday, November 11, 2008

1 week update


Everyone is asking us how things are going and for more details, so here ya go:

Labor and delivery were terrifying and horrific, but, in the end I got a perfect, healthy baby so it was worth it. I hated when people told me scary labor and delivery stories, so I think I'll keep this one to myself. What happens at St. Mary Mercy Hospital stays at St. Mary Mercy Hospital!

Allison is very mellow and easy to please. She's taking to breastfeeding like a champ and sleeps beautifully through most of the day. We get up with her about 3 times every night, but she eats, gets her diaper changed, and goes right back to sleep with minimal screaming (mostly just when she's naked and cold!). None of us feel too sleep deprived (yet??). I find that I can't stop staring at her. She's just so perfect and amazing to me.

My body is healing slowly, but surely and I feel about 75% right now. Kevin took the week off of work and just went back today. He was so helpful and got all the laundry done, went grocery shopping, cleaned the house, and cooked me some great, healthy dinners. Since I am solely in charge of feeding responsibilities, he has also taken on most of the diaper changing responsibilities. He is a great father already and it makes me love him in a whole different way to watch him with his daughter. I think I chose my life partner well.

More pictures to come soon! We've been a little crazy with the camera and just assume that everyone else in the world is as amazed by our daughter as we are!

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